Auto Accident Claim Against A Government Ambulance

The high-speed driving that most ambulances do can lead to serious auto accidents. As the victim of an ambulance accident, you cannot pursue an auto accident claim as you would against other motorists. Below are major things to note about such cases.

Possible Immunity

Ambulances are operated both by government and private entities. If the government owns the ambulance that hit you, then the government might be immune to your liability claims. The cause of the accident, negligence, and whether the ambulance was on an emergency run all determine the government immunity.

Some people assume that sovereign immunity automatically applies to claims against government bodies. The reality is that immunity only applies in a few specific cases. For one, the federal government has enacted laws that effectively waive immunity in many cases. Also, even government or emergency vehicles going about their duties have laws to follow. Therefore, you need to research the facts of the case to help you determine how to proceed.

Different Rules Apply

If you find that you can proceed with your claim, don't approach the case as you would any other accident claim. Different rules apply for cases against government bodies. For one, claims against the government are usually subjected to shorter statutes of limitations. In many cases, you also need to file an administrative claim with the government and give it time to rule on your case.

The rules are usually specific and strict, and failure to follow them might lead to claim denial. That is why you need an experienced auto accident lawyer to help you with your case.

Multiple Potential Liabilities

Lastly, you should know that the ambulance is not the only party who might be liable for your damages. Just like in other cases of auto accidents, there are multiple potentially liable parties. Some of the other parties who might be liable for the accident include:

  • Those who maintain and service the ambulance
  • The ambulance manufacturers
  • Other motorists—for example, those who refused to yield for the ambulance
  • Road contractors who failed to construct or maintain the road properly

This means you should not just focus on the ambulance driver or owner. Widen your investigation and include all parties who might share the liability. That way, you will collect your damages even if the government upholds its immunity.

Hopefully, you won't be a victim of an ambulance accident (or any other accident) any time soon. If you do fall victim to an accident, however, consult a car accident attorney to help you pursue your damages.  

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Recognizing When Accidents Need To Be Resolved In Court

When you start thinking about how to manage after a serious accident, it can be a big challenge. Recovery can be long, arduous, and incredibly challenging, which is why many people think twice about going at it alone. However, working with a great lawyer that specializes in accidents and personal injury cases can help. In addition to talking you through every aspect of the court and legal process, professionals can also answer questions you may have about how to get the most money from your settlement. On this website, check out great tips and tricks that could help you to make things better.



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